In keeping with the vision and mission of The School of the Cathedral, the athletics program at our school is designed to challenge our students to become creative problem-solvers, leaders, and to live a life in Christ through integrity, service, and excellence anytime our students step on the playing field. Students from grades Kindergarten through Eighth are encouraged to participate in our school-sponsored sports ~ soccer, basketball, running and lacrosse.

Fall Athletics – Soccer
Each fall students, are encouraged to participate in the soccer program at The School of the Cathedral. Clinic is offered for our younger athletes. For students in grades 3 – 8, they can participate in the CYO league. Middle School students also play rival private schools in the area. Registration is now open for students in Grades 1-8. Space is limited! Please CLICK HERE for more information and to register.

Fall Athletics – Cross Country
This is the first fall we have added Cross Country to the athletic program at The School of the Cathedral. Cross Country is offered to athletes in grades 5 – 8, and registration is now open. Space is limited! Please CLICK HERE for more information and to register.

Winter Athletics – Basketball
Basketball teams form in early fall and all of the Cathedral teams in grades 3 – 8 compete in the CYO League. Younger athletes have the opportunity to participate in our clinic program.

Spring Athletics – Lacrosse
All students at Cathedral are welcome to participate in lacrosse in the spring season. Clinic is offered to our younger athletes and students in 3rd – 8th grade compete against other private and Catholic schools in our area.