Support The Darby-Jacokes Scholarship Fund

The Regina Plan, a program unique to The School of the Cathedral, is designed to assist students with mild to moderate language-based differences.  Founded in 1997, The Regina Plan has helped hundreds of students offering one-on-one tutoring to provide various strategies designed to achieve success in reading, writing, and spelling.  

“The academic progression of our daughter as she became accustomed to the manner in which she learns has been remarkable.”

David and Dr. Lilly Hunter, parents of a former student enrolled in the program for four years, have witnessed first-hand the tremendous impact of The Regina Plan.  “The academic progression of our daughter as she became accustomed to the manner in which she learns has been remarkable,” exclaims Dr. Hunter.  Enrolling in The Regina Plan, however, is an additional expense on top of yearly tuition.  Mrs. Patty Darby, Coordinator of The Regina Plan, sees at least one child per year forego the benefits of the program due to financial constraints.  

With gratitude in mind for their daughter’s success and as Catholics “who believe in the moral responsibility of helping others,” the Hunters began exploring ways to leverage The Regina Plan to serve more children identified with learning differences and established The Darby-Jacokes Endowed Scholarship Fund.  Dr. Hunter has expressed, “David and I are grateful for the efforts of everyone involved in the Regina Plan.  The hard work and dedication of Mrs. Darby and Mrs. Jacokes have made a true difference to our educational experience at Cathedral. With the help of the entire Cathedral community, the Darby-Jacokes Scholarship will enable more students to experience these benefits which will serve them throughout their academic careers and beyond.”

School of the Cathedral will be have an early dismissal today, February 11, 2025, at 11:50am.
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