
The Admissions Process

Welcome to The School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen! We encourage our students to strive for excellence in their studies through our high academic standards. The combination of a strong academic foundation and spiritual growth helps students develop into well-educated, morally conscious individuals. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our wonderful school and community. 

Applications are now OPEN for the 25-26 School year.

We currently have a waitlist in PreK 4, PreFirst and First grade.

Mrs. Julie Bacso, Director of Enrollment


If you would to schedule a tour or have general questions please contact Julie Bacso by calling 410-464-4117 or by email at 

Upcoming Admissions Events

Private tours will be offered this fall, please register here


Admissions Timeline 2025-2026

December 1, 2024 – Applications are due for PreK4, Kindergarten, PreFirst and First grade (for Priority Admissions)

December 7, 2024 – Assessments (Kindergarten, Pre-First and First)

December 9th -12th, 2024 – Assessments scheduled for PreK students

December 13, 2024 – Re-enrollment begins for Current families and newly accepted PreK, Kindergarten, Pre-First, and First grade families

December 13, 2024 – Applications due for Priority Admissions in grades 2 – 8

January 8, 2025Deadline to secure – for current families and newly accepted students in PreK, Kindergarten, Pre-First and First grade families

January 10, 2025 – Registration begins for newly accepted students in 2nd – 8th grade

January 24, 2025 Deadline to secure – for  newly accepted students in 2nd – 8th grade

January 27, 2025 – Rolling Admissions begins

April 1, 2025 – Late Registration Fee begins for current and prospective families


Shadow Experience

Prospective students interested in attending the School of the Cathedral for the 2025-2026 school year in grades 2 – 7 will have the opportunity to see what it’s like to be a Cathedral student this fall. Please sign up here for your child to come and see what a day in the life of a Cathedral Mustang is like! Prospective students must have a completed application to shadow at our school. Our admissions team will be in touch to schedule a day that works for your child. Please email for details.

Placement Testing Dates

Placement Testing for Kindergarten, Pre-First and 1st grade students will be held on Saturday, December 7 from 8am – 12pm.

Preschool testing will held on Tuesday, December 10th.

Prospective students in 2nd – 7th grade will be scheduled when the prospective students application is complete. Our admissions team will be in touch to schedule testing for your child.

Rolling admissions will begin in January for the seats that we have available at that time.

Frequently Asked Questions


Question: What time does the school day begin?

Answer: Students can be dropped off as early as 7:30am. The first bell rings at 7:50am to let the students know to head to their homeroom. The second bell rings at 7:55am. All students need to be in their homeroom by 7:55 am to avoid being marked tardy.


Question: What times does the school day end?

Answer: Prek, Kindergarten and Pre-First walk out with their teachers and meet their parents and/or older siblings at 2:45pm. All other classes will walk to their cars at 2:50pm. All cars back into the parking spots in the upper and lower lot.


Question: Are there days when you dismiss early?

Answer: Yes, to help families plan, we have included these days on our school calendar found here: . On scheduled early dismissal days, the children are dismissed at 11:50 am unless noted on the school calendar.


Question: Is there an extended day program?

Answer: Yes, the Cathedral Extended Day (CED) program begins at dismissal and ends promptly at 6pm. Please visit our website here to learn more:


Question: Is lunch provided to students each day? 

Answer: No, students have the option to purchase lunch using our new vendor Grauls Markets. Students are welcome to bring their own lunch too. 


Question: Do you have a school nurse?

Answer: Yes, we have a full time Registered Nurse available from 7:45am – 3:15pm. 


Question: Is there an Athletic Program?

Answer: Yes, our Mustangs can be a part of our soccer program in the fall, basketball program in the winter and lacrosse program in the spring.  


Question: Are there any clubs my child can be involved in as a student?

Answer: Absolutely, we offer various clubs including STEM, Band, Chess, Art and Drama.


Question: Is there a parent organization?

Answer: CASPA (Cathedral School Parent Association) is our parent organization and they are very involved in our school programs and events.  More information can be found here:


Question: Are their opportunities to volunteer?

Answer: Yes, we encourage all families to get involved at the School of the Cathedral. There are many ways parents can volunteer on our campus. All volunteers must be VIRTUS trained and you can find information regarding this certification here:


Question: Do the middle school students participate in any special activities?

Answer: We have a Stars and Stripes tradition which allows our students in 6th, 7th and 8th to showcase their school spirit, have friendly competition and involvement in our community. Our younger grades look forward to these Middle School activities that they will one day be a part of. Our Middle School students are also paired up with lower school students as “Prayer Buddies”. They attend Mass together and meet up several times throughout the school year. 


Question: Do all students attend Mass?

Answer: Yes, the School community as a whole attends Mass weekly and also participates in several Masses throughout the school year. Students in grades 3-8 have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent and Lent. Grades 2-8 take part in First Friday Adoration devotions.


Question: Is Foreign Language offered?

Answer: Yes, exploratory French and Spanish classes are offered in grades 1-5 and French and Spanish are offered in grades 6-8. The courses develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and give students an understanding of the cultures of Spanish- and French-speaking countries.  


Question: Do students wear a uniform?

Answer: Students wear uniforms each day and they can be purchased from our CASPA Uniform Bank and/or new uniforms can be purchased through Lands End. On their scheduled P.E. day, students wear their gym uniform to school.

Question: Does my child need to be vaccinated?

Answer: All students in Catholic schools must be immunized in accordance with Maryland State



School of the Cathedral will be have an early dismissal today, February 11, 2025, at 11:50am.
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