Signature Programs

Social Justice

Middle school students engage in a social justice class once per week. The class is designed to teach students about social issues in today’s world and to provide service opportunities that will prepare them as global citizens.

After completing Servant Leadership in sixth grade, our students take Introduction to Social Justice in seventh grade. They complete their experience in eighth grade by preparing for the Faith in Focus Leadership Conference during their Social Justice in Action course. The Conference is the culmination of Cathedral’s social justice program, the only program of its kind in the area. The Conference’s mission is for “Cathedral eighth grade students to serve as leaders by inspiring members of the community to live their faith more intentionally.” A faith-related topic is selected every year as the theme of the conference. During Social Justice in Action, students research ideas related to the theme and develop a presentation (similar in style to TED Talks) that they then share during the end-of-the-year conference.

Leadership Program

At the School of the Cathedral, students have the opportunity to serve in many leadership roles, especially in Middle School. Learn about Student Ambassadors and Student Council, the Prayer Buddy program, and opportunities to serve at Mass.

Stars & Stripes Team

Beginning with the middle school prayer service the first week of school, sixth grade students are welcomed into the middle school by joining the Stars and Stripes teams with which they will be aligned for the remainder of their voyage at Cathedral. Stars and Stripes, a student-led organization, focuses on building school spirit and service. Annual activities include sports games, donation drives for local non-profits, and prayer services. 


The School of the Cathedral streams our morning announcements in each classroom from the SCMOQ TV Studio led by the Middle School Students. Students learn firsthand about video technology, the use of a green screen, video production equipment, and video editing. 

Elective Classes 

Students in fifth through eighth grade participate in elective classes each week, including Chess Club, STEM activities, Geography Bee, and Faith in Social Media. These classes rotate every trimester, giving students the chance to learn with students in other grades about various interesting and pertinent topics.
School of the Cathedral will be have an early dismissal today, February 11, 2025, at 11:50am.
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