Vision of Hope Capital Campaign
Dear Cathedral Families,
We are excited to announce the Vision of Hope Capital Campaign for the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen school and parish. This campaign will address pressing needs for both the school and the church, and heighten the experience for our children who attend our school.
The Vision of Hope Capital Campaign is the most ambitious campaign Cathedral has ever run. Our goal is $6 million that will be applied to two major projects: a new Learning Commons for the school and an upgraded lighting system for the church.
These two exciting projects will not only improve the education of our children who will attend our school for years to come, but will also enhance the worship experience and liturgical space of the church. With gratitude for your generosity and support of our school and parish, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial gift to the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen’s Vision of Hope Capital Campaign at a level proportionate to your capability.
Sincerely in Christ,

The School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen
The School of the Cathedral Master Plan calls for new and improved interactive learning areas in line with 21st Century School Standards. The school community will benefit from a state-of-the-art, new Learning Commons to be built out from the gym foyer, allowing for increased use of library resources, space for active learning groups, teacher/student interaction in small groups, and independent learning for Middle School students. The expansion will add 2,600 square feet of space. In addition, an ADA compliant elevator will be installed in the main lobby in order to accommodate students and adults with special needs.
Cathedral of Mary Our Queen – New Lighting Infrastructure
The upgraded lighting system in the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen will transform the interior of the church and, most importantly, enhance the liturgical experience of communicants by bringing the original high-quality lighting design back to life. Improvements will include providing a more modern and energy efficient system throughout the church with every existing light fixture being upgraded with LED bulbs, thus saving a significant amount of energy and money. The current lighting system used for dimming and control is no longer sustainable and can no longer be repaired. All new lights will be controlled remotely and we will no longer have to rely on our aging and failing wiring. The new lighting infrastructure will provide better reading light and will greatly enhance the architecture and interior of the church.

Opportunities To Give
You may make an outright gift by cash or check. Cash gifts are tax-deductible, as provided by law.
You may make a pledge to the Vision of Hope Capital Campaign through 2028 (up to 60 months). Pledges allow you to contribute a larger gift than would be possible to make in any one tax year. Pledges can be set up electronically through Faith Direct by setting up an online account or by contacting our parish office.
Securities can provide an attractive means of giving. Through this type of gift, one can receive the charitable income tax deduction and avoid paying taxes on “capital gains” that would otherwise be due if the stocks were sold. In some cases, you may even be able to carry a tax “loss” for a multi-year period.
Matching Gifts
Many employers will offer to match your gift or pledge and you will receive the credit for the contribution. Please contact your Human Resources Department to see if the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Parish and School qualifies as a designated charity.
Life Insurance
The Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Parish and School may be named as the beneficiary and owner of an insurance policy or ownership of an already existing policy may be transferred to the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Parish and School. The latter method may provide attractive income tax benefits.
Life Income Gifts
There are many ways that one can make a gift to the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Parish and School and receive income for life in return. Through one of a number of planned gift options, the donor can place cash, securities or other assets in trust. Upon the donor’s death (or that of a beneficiary) or at some pre-determined time, the trust terminates and the funds are transferred to the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Parish and School. These life income gifts sometimes provide income, capital gain and/or estate benefits.
Heavenly Father,
We thank you for all the blessings you continue
to bestow upon our Cathedral Community.
Your generous heart inspires us
to glorify you and to do likewise,
out of love of you and our neighbor.
Pour out your Spirit upon us and this campaign,
that our Cathedral parish and school
may be a light brightly visible
of the hope of Christ present among us.
Grant us, by the grace and example of your Son,
to accept the call to give sacrificially
to this Vision of Hope Campaign
that you may be glorified
and your Church bear fruit.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.