Freddie McCall

Freddie McCall

Freddie McCall

What year did you start working at the Cathedral?


What is the name of your undergraduate school and what degree did you receive? 

John’s Hopkins University – B.A in Biology

What is the name of your graduate school and what degree did you receive?

Johns Hopkins University School of Education M.A in Teaching (Elementary)

What is/are your certification(s)?

MSDE K-6 Educator; Mental Health First Aid

What is/are your favorite food(s)?


What are your hobbies?

Chess; Dungeons and Dragons (I hate to admit it); Comedy; Cooking; Plants; Vinyl Records

What is a fun fact about you?

I have a twin sister. She is the better twin in my opinion.

What is your hope for your students?

I hope that they will develop curious minds and gain the tools of inquiry.

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