Angela Barton

Angela Barton

Angela Barton

What year did you start working at the Cathedral?


What is the name of your undergraduate school and what degree did you receive? 

University of Maryland College Park-BA Journalism, BA- Education, BA – English

What is the name of your graduate school and what degree did you receive?

St. Joseph’s University-MS Education

What is/are your certification(s)?

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards: Adolescence and Young Adulthood, English Language Arts

What is/are your favorite food(s)?

Tacos, anything grilled, salads

What are your hobbies?

Exercising, cooking, family activities, reading, Book Clubs.

What is a fun fact about you?

I’ve never had a pet before, but we adopted a dog, Mila, and I have discovered that I love pets!

What is your hope for your students?

I hope my students feel happy and confident in school and enjoy learning.

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