Arts & Music


The School of the Cathedral Mary Our Queen’s art program is continually evolving; the art room is a studio space that foster’s student’s creativity.  Our art teacher works with grades Pre-K 4 – 8 and focuses on developing student’s problem-solving skills and their art history/media knowledge. Students create artwork in each of the following media: drawing, printmaking, ceramics, painting, collage, and fiber arts (weaving and stitching). At the end of the year, Fine Arts Day celebrates students’ accomplishments with artwork on display from each student in the school. This is a great time to see the hard work and talent of our students!  


We are so grateful for our incredible theater program! Middle School students are able to participate in our Spring Middle School Musical, an after-school opportunity under the direction of Ms. Wilder. Past musicals include GodspellThe Lion King and Shrek, Jr, and Matilda Jr. Students are able to participate in the lead roles, ensemble, and stage crew. Our students work together using and developing their talents and skills to create the best show for the school community. 

Join us this March 24-26 for our production of Beauty and the Beast Jr!



Every student at SCMOQ takes general music. In class, they learn music from different cultures, styles and time periods. Students get experience singing, and playing a variety of percussion, string, and electronic instruments. The recorder is studied in third grade, which is an excellent way to prepare students for the instrumental music program. The history of music and its relationship to art history and social studies is explored. Band is also available as an elective class, for students in grades 5 through 8 to select.

There are also three children’s music ensembles organized through the school. The 4th Grade class serves as the choir for the School Mass. The School Cantor Group is an auditioned group of children in grades 3-8 who lead music for the School Mass. Queen Beats is an instrumental ensemble that supports the School Mass with instrumental accompaniments. If you are interested in any of these ensembles or have comments or questions, please contact Julie Grace Males.

School of the Cathedral will operate on a 2 Hour Delayed Schedule on Wednesday, January 22nd. Doors will open at 9:30am and the school day will begin at 9:55am.
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