At Cathedral, students develop spiritually through a variety of opportunities.
At Cathedral, we PRAY every day:
Practice peace
Respect ourselves and others
Accept responsibility and
Your best effort always

Kindergarten, pre-first, first, and second grade students are paired with a middle school student as their “prayer buddy.” Prayer buddies stay together throughout their time at Cathedral, sitting together in weekly Mass and participating in monthly classroom activities.
All students attend Mass once a week, where the homily is geared toward a topic relatable to the students. Religion is taught in every grade, and 2nd / 8th grade students also participate in First Communion / Confirmation through the parish program while in school.
Our school engages in service projects alongside the parish, including donation drives for those in need, breakfast bags for those who are hungry, casseroles for Our Daily Bread, and holiday gift collections for families in Baltimore. Our youth minister is actively engaged with our school, organizing service projects and family events for the entire community.
Middle school students also participate in a social justice program, with weekly classes on poverty, ethics, and more. This program culminates in an eighth grade year long capstone project where each student works with a group of peers to develop a 4-8 minute TED-style talk on a social justice issue. The talks are shared during a spring leadership conference, entitled Faith in Focus.
Faith is woven into every student’s education at The School of the Cathedral in a way that ensures students will “act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God,” as they read from Micah 6:8 every day at the end of the announcements.