Positive School Environment

PBIS is a statewide program created in partnership with Shepherd Pratt Health System and John Hopkins University. PBIS has been implemented in every Archdiocesan elementary and high school.

PBIS is a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.

PBIS is not a packaged curriculum, scripted intervention, or manualized strategy.

PBIS is a prevention-oriented way for school personnel to (a) organize evidence-based practices, (b) improve their implementation of those practices, and (c) maximize academic and social behavior outcomes for students.

PBIS supports the success of all students.

The School of the Cathedral has been awarded Silver status with PBIS!

PBIS at The School of the Cathedral

For the past several years, Cathedral has been using the PBIS incentive program throughout the school. Our school mascot is the Mustang, and the school motto (recited daily) is:

At Cathedral, we PRAY every day! 
Practice Peace
Respect Self and Others
Accept Responsibility and 
Your Best Effort Always.

Some of your children may have received our acknowledgement ticket, the Mustang Ticket. The Mustang Ticket is used to acknowledge Peaceful, Respectful, Accepting, and (your best) Effort behaviors demonstrated by the students.  This fits into the overall program philosophy by rewarding students for their good choices and for meeting our expectations.  The Mustang Ticket is a three-part ticket.  One copy is sent home with the student, one copy is retained for data collecting purposes, and one copy makes its way to the PBIS bulletin board (near the cafeteria).   Names are announced weekly over the public address system to celebrate each student.  The children’s names go into a drawing, and if your child’s name is pulled, he/she will be allowed to choose from the following:

  • Dress down pass
  • Homework pass
  • Make the morning announcements

This system aligns with PBIS philosophies used successfully across the country.  We strive to focus on the behaviors that we would like to see more of rather than placing a strong emphasis on poor choices. We’ve implemented the Golden Cross Award for great behavior traveling to and from church and during Mass.

Although the emphasis is on positive behavior, when students are in need of additional behavioral support (not being peaceful, respectful, accepting of responsibility or demonstrating best effort), we utilize Office Referral Forms.  The use of these forms is not meant to be punitive, but instead is aimed towards ensuring school safety and proper follow-through on re-teaching of expected behaviors.  The referral form indicates that an intervention is needed beyond the classroom.  Parents will be involved if a referral form is generated for their child.

In addition to the system above, we strive to use a ratio of four positive comments to one negative or corrective comment.  As PBIS research and approaches tell us, this is helpful not only for our school climate and creating a positive school culture, but also helps to keep the focus on academics.  Over time, the need to spend time on behavioral corrections wanes as students not only know the school rules and expectations, but are acknowledged for their great behavior and choices.  As a staff, we are excited to move our PBIS practices forward, and we hope you enjoy hearing about the Mustang Tickets and the acknowledgement system at home.

The Archdiocesan Bullying Prevention, Intervention & Response Policy

Bullying, harassment, or intimidation of any student on school property or at a school-sponsored functions or by the use of electronic technology is prohibited in all Archdiocese of Baltimore schools. Such behaviors are contrary to school life in a Christ-centered community, which respects the dignity and uniqueness of all of God’s children. To foster a school environment where all students are educated in a safe and caring atmosphere, all Archdiocesan schools will follow established procedures for prevention and intervention.

Bullying, harassment, intimidation, or retaliation against anyone who has reported these behaviors is prohibited. Students engaging in these behaviors on school property, at school-related activities, off school property, or after school hours when the behavior threatens or is likely to substantially disrupt or adversely affect the school-related environment for students or significantly impacts the interest of students or the school community are subject to disciplinary and/or legal action.

Students, parents, employees, and service providers are responsible for reporting incidents of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or retaliation. School principals will ensure that all illegal behaviors are reported to the appropriate local authorities and the Superintendent of Catholic Schools immediately.

School of the Cathedral will be have an early dismissal today, February 11, 2025, at 11:50am.
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