School Board

It is Archdiocesan policy that every school have a school board, regardless of its model of governance. School boards are diverse and seek to reflect the student population, include community representation, and have persons with expertise related to school needs. Meet our current School Board members!

Name Role
Fr. Louis Bianco Ex Officio, Rector, Cathedral of Mary Our Queen
Rosanna Czarnecki Ex Officio, Principal, The School of the Cathedral
Lisa Melancon President, The School of the Cathedral School Board

Julie Cain

Member, The School of the Cathedral School Board
Mary Bell Ex Officio Director of Development, The School of the Cathedral
Lacey O’Neil CASPA, The School of the Cathedral
Kristen Kinkopf Member, The School of the Cathedral School Board
Michael Maloney Member, The School of the Cathedral School Board
Mark McCoy Member, The School of the Cathedral School Board
Heather Volk Member, The School of the Cathedral School Board
Ron Werthman Member, The School of the Cathedral School Board
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